Sunday 22 January 2012

Day #22 Granny A Day + Poncho Update

 After creating the Granny A Day "end of week 3" photo collage, which you can see on the Granny A Day Page of this blog (see tab above) I made my Number 22 Granny Square in shades of Purple which I think has  turned out very well.

After 2 to 3 hours digging at my allotment (see my other Allotment Blog) I returned home to my Poncho.

My initial thoughts on making this, was to stick to the Deep Green, but then I began to think that it looked too plain, so I put out a few "feelers" on Twitter and a few Crochet or Knitting pals replied.

The overall consensus was to add a random mix of rows and colours, so that's what I did!

As you can see I have added a few rows of light brown, light cream and a biege

It's still not finished as it's not as long as I would like it yet, so I will continue in random rows and colours, until it is the length I would like it to be.

By the way it feels simply divine as I am using 100% Merino for this project. Lucky me!!

Then there is just the neckline to finish off and I will have my Poncho!

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