Tuesday 27 April 2010

Still Hooked!!

Just in case you were wondering, I am still crocheting away!

I have now completed my Mother In Laws hat a scarf set

And I am very pleased with the results as I had to ad lib on my hat, so had to do the same again, which of course was more difficult 2nd time around!!

I have also joined another row of 10 crochet squares to the blanket

It now measures 10 squares by 11 squares!!

It's getting harder and harder to take photo's so this is the best I could do due to it's size.


  1. Ali the hat and scarf are so lovely, you clever girl ! and the throw looks fab hanging on the stair rail, it looks very Bohemian. I am still crocheting too, not often though as the allotment and garden are taking up all my spare time. Roll on the winter for a rest - JOKING !!!!
    M xxx

  2. How big is the blanket to get Ali, wow!!

    Love the hat and scarf combo.

    Oh and I just left you an award on my blog: me but a little more indepth.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!