Tuesday 4 May 2010

What a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend! MIL models the Hat & Scarf

On Saturday we didn't do much due to the weather, and on Sunday I was asked to do an extra duty at the Allotment shop and we had been invited to dinner at the In Laws who live around the corner.

The other In Laws live on the coast, and we were invited there on Monday for lunch ....

It was VERY windy!

The local Beach Huts

Now this is the moment you have all been waiting for - My lovely Mother In Law, Jill, trying on her hat and guess what - she loves it!

She is going to look VERY smart out and about with the matching scarf too!
I have also been busy with my squares for the blanket too! As you can see I have made enough to join a further 11 in a row, and have made a start on another row too!  I tried a left to right square (see middle square in the right hand side picture) and it worked out very well for a change!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali, the hat and scarf look fab and suit your M-I-L, tell her she looks very smart wearing them.
    Your squares are coming on so well. I must post a photo of the few I have made from the book, not many just about five I think, I just don't seem to get the time.


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