Friday 16 April 2010

MIL's hat & scarf project

 As previously mentioned, my lovely mother in law has asked for me to crochet her a hat like mine, so I have done that and now I have started on a matching scarf, which she didn't ask for, but when I offered she sounded thrilled!  The wool arrived from EbaY, but I started on the stock I had to hand, so I could get started straight away.  The pictures here are off my hat and scarf, as a reminder for you, but when this new set is finished I will take more pictures.   The hardest thing was to get the hat right as like on the 1st one, I had to adapt the pattern to fit my head. Fortunately MIL's head is the same size so I got a good fit.

1 comment:

  1. Ali, The hat and scarf looks lovely. You are so clever I am still doing squares, I don't think I would attempt a garment yet.
    The pond walk looks lovely. I had to laugh when I saw how tall Mr C looks against that fence and there's you just like me - a 5ft titch, he he (or maybe it's a different fence ? ) Have a brilliant week-end.
    M x


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