Friday 9 April 2010

Other things & my first order.....

Yesterday we, my husband & I that is, went to a pub called The Chequers,  Rowhook in West Sussex, to meet his Mum and her man (a very long term partner) for lunch.  It was a lovely day and the roads were clear, so we whizzed down there in double quick time in his sports car!!

The food was delicious and they cater for a gluten free diet without the blink of an eye, which makes a nice change!

I have also had my first order - my lovely mother in law has ordered a hat - the same as the one I made for myself (which I took down for her to try on) and in the same colours too!  I said that I would make her a matching scarf too & I have already ordered the wool from EbaY as I found it on there cheaper than the wool shop sell it for.

Before this lovely mid day luncheon, I had an appointment at the hospital to have my toe stitches out and this is what my big toe now looks like now.  In 2 weeks time I have to gently massage the scar and in 8 weeks time I have to go back for a final check up.
I was told to go about as normal, so in my head I was thinking "oh good I can go and plant potatoes at the allotment" but in reality, it's all still a little tender and not as easy to walk, so I will go the allotment but just to take down some kitchen scraps and water the greenhouse.  I don't want to rush things!

When I got home I was greated by mountain of post, one of which was this lovely "Get Well Soon" card from the Brownies...
How lovely of them to do that for me.  I will treasure it forever!


  1. Ooh, I know The Chequers - I lived for many years in Cranleigh and you used to have to go past The Chequers to get to Horsham. Never went in there, though but a reasonably local pub with good food is always good to find so I may check it out.

  2. I am so glad the day went well for you, and yes don't rush things or you scupper this years growing season for sure.

    I'm sure you can find some willing helpers to help you get those spuds in the ground.

  3. I know The Chequers as well! And have eaten there a couple of times. Living not far from Cranleigh I also go past The Chequers to get to Horsham. I'm loving all your crochet blogs Ali, and itching to get started again soon. I hope your toe is better soon.


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