Tuesday 7 April 2015

Stitch Away Stress - special blog post issue

Hi everyone,

This blog post is a special
Stitch Away Stress Issue

I am a great believer in how therapeutic crafting can be & I'll tell you why.

In the Tsunami of 2004, I was on honeymoon in Phuket & got caught up in all the panic, shock & of course - Sea in Tsunami mode.

To cut a  long story short, something hit my ankle when I was knee deep in sea water.  I will never know what the item was, but I now have a neuroma on my nerve as it damaged my nerve just above my right ankle.

On coming home, various tests were done, but it took 3 years until I had my first operation.  They cut the damaged nerve and buried the ending into my bone.  This operation lasted 6 years.

Unfortunately it "popped out" so I had to have another op in 2013.  This time they buried the damaged nerver into my muscle.  This op lasted 6 months & I am now on the waiting list for a third time lucky op this summer.

The moral of this story is that distraction can help with pain and stress.

At a recent pain clinic I learnt what I already knew.  Distractions can focus your mind on something other than your pain or stress.

I am on more tablets a day than I care to take, but I have the "If I do nothing I am in pain, if I do something I am in pain" attitude, so I do as much as I can without being silly & getting to the exrutiating pain stage.

Needless to say my Crochet helps me a lot.

So crafting is not only a distraction - it's creative too!

More at the end of the post so carry on reading.

Just look at what one of my classes made the other week.....

It was a simply lesson in pattern reading & increasing / decreasing.

However they all went home with a lovely heart

The results from my sock workshop at Sparrow UK speak for themselves

One pupil chose to make a plain top on a mono colour pair

And another added a scalloped edge to her pink & blue socks

The sizes range from UK 2 to UK 6 !

This is a photo of my Crochet on the Go.  I was a passenger in my husbands car on a long journey, so I took my Hexagon a day blanket alont with me & worked around 10 hexi's

My lovely owly pupil AR has gone Teddy Mad.  Remember my last blog post where one class made teddies together?  Well AR has made a few more.

So Cute and Adorable

The photo's here are not very good, so apologies in advance and my thanks to hubby for holding this up for the photo session!

I have made my Great Nephew to be an Elephant Mobile

Its from a pattern by Robyn Chachula

So Cute

And now for the good bit!

When Life give you Lemons......

#stitchstressaway and 3 lemons
Please click on the picture to be taken to the Craft Council website
It has both a crochet & knitting pattern for these FAB stress busting lemons.

A Few Fun Facts 
·  85% of 3,100+ people recently surveyed by CYC reported reduced stress from knitting    
   and crochet
·  90% of 4,000+ people recently surveyed by Wool and the Gang reported decreased 
   anxiety from knitting
·  Needlecrafting is recognized by major news outlets like Yahoo! as an effective alternative

   therapy to prescription drugs

How these crafts can improve your mood, mind and body

Hope you have a stress free week!

Happy Hooking x


  1. Hi Ali, I'm Lindsey! I'm so sorry to hear about what you have been going through, and couldn't agree more that a distraction helps! I would love to speak with you, do you think you could email me when you have the opportunity? I'd really appreciate it. Looking forward to hearing from you :) lindseyDOTcaldwellATrecallcenterDOTcom


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!