Sunday 26 April 2015

So much YARN and so many HOOKS!!

Look at what my pupil turned up at class in!!
Isn't it super fab?


Then she produced this little dinosaur
from a pattern by DMC but made in Chunky for a first attempt at amigurumi


Here are my Sherborne Ladies at The Slipped Stitch learning the basics

And here are the mobile phone cases they made after lesson 1 - wow, didn't they do well!

In an Improvers course taken at my home classroom in Shillingstone, EB made this wonderful blanket

And here's JG learning how to wind a skien of cotton tape yarn

From a wool swift (top photo of these 3) to a wool winder

We made Forget Me Nots for Demetia Friends Charity

And Bear Fever is catching on!

Another Improver made this jumper from a recent issue of Inside Crochet Magazine.  I just love the moss stitch.

It's been a busy few weeks here at Crochet Central !


  1. it looks fun. I never make jumper or big item with crochet. Maybe I need to take some class to master this : )


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