Sunday 21 September 2014

Weeks 38 & 39 - Lets crochet sock it to them!!

Just look at the improvement here.  In BLUE we have practice at home (homework) and in PINK is the same homework revisited in class with "teacher" helping!

"H" was so thrilled with her "improved" swatch.


In another class

We "dabbled" in a bit of Tunisian Crochet

It really doesn't take long to get hooked

On this version of "Knit & Crochet" combined.

We all had fun & all the class went online to Amazon or EbaY to buy Tunisian hook sets

I didn't want to waste time travelling in a car, so I took my Crochet along!

My dogs having a run 

And here they are helping to raise money for Greyhound Rescue

One of my pupils made this GREAT bathroom mat from cotton.
I love the popcorn star, don't you?

Sock Workshop was held on Saturday 20th

All was prepared & ready to go the night before

With lots of love Merino mix wool ready to use

These are my "workshop" pair

I put the sign on the gate

And socks were made!!

Lovely colours

Cosy Toes

A "Quick to Work" Pattern

Made it easy to make a crochet sock

And finally

SC brought in her finished Bavarian Crochet Blanket


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