Wednesday 10 September 2014

Weeks 35 to 37 Guilty as Charged!!

I know, I know I am guilty as charged for not updating my blog for ages

I have been run off my feet, taking lessons / workshops, organising lessons / workshops, finalising the coach trip (which is now fully booked) designing for magazines & books 
PLUS as you will see below, making the final blanket for my dog Perry

Here's the edging going on

Oh & I started to make another jumper for ME!!

I love working with this wool

Ah! here's Perry testing his new blanket out in the lounge

And this is ME at the Vintage Fair in Blandford

I had a lovely stall & took a "pop up" crochet workshop there

This blanket was made by Sarah, who not only owns Sparrow UK but hosts Crochet Workshops there, which I take for Beginners & Improvers.

One of the improvers have tried her hand at chevrons - I love it

And someone else is making good use of varigated yarn

& also lining these adorable bags too!

I recently took a button covering class

We used DMC Petra Yarn - Didn't they turn out well??

Back to the dogs blankets - this is Scrumpy all cosy and comfy under his blanket

However these blankets are for their night beds



Scrumpy & Perry

Scrumpy the next morning!

Did I mention that I was getting a Tattoo done?

I love it - it's a work of art 


Until next time hookers

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