Thursday 24 October 2013

Wink Book Review & Giveaway + Crochet Classroom News - Day 297

The lovely Wink has very kindly reviewed my book

Here are just a few of her kind words....
  • The book is full of fun projects to make
  •  is really great and is filled to the brim with tips for crocheters of any level, from beginners to advanced crocheters
  • pleasantly surprised with the projects in this book; there’s something new to learn here for everyone!
  • must-have on my list.

But do click on the link below to read more 
& to enter the FREE GIVEAWAY!

Now for Crochet Classroom  News

These are just SOME of the photo's that I took this morning of crochet pieces that my lovely pupils brought with them for their last of the "The Next Step" Workshop today

I love this Dorset Button in the middle of the heart that R learnt to make last week

And she also made this snowflake by following a pattern in a magazine 

D brought in another heart that she'd made

And SC made this! 
I love the colours she's used

D made another Heart with a lovely purple fluffy trim

And today they made Granny Triangles & Rectangles

And to think that 8 weeks ago they couldn't hold a crochet hook & wool correctly, let alone create these lovely pieces!!

I am going to miss you all & hope to see you again very very soon for "The Finishing Touches" workshop & more

I also got some lovely post today from a "Beginner" that completed her workshop last Tuesday

Isn't that so lovely of her?


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