Wednesday 23 October 2013

Days 295 & 296 - Busy me!

I was so busy with 2 lots of 2 hour workshops yesterday that I didn't have time to either make my Square A Day or Blog for that matter.

So I am going to catch up with it all for you now

In yesterdays evening class we made Granny Square to Join As You Go

With great results

And we did Colour Changes too!

With lovely results

My morning workshop ladies, who had their final class today

Which was very sad

Above is how organised one lady is with all her swatches & patterns neatly placed in a folder - a good start to Crochet work

We did loads that morning

As you can see they brought in loads of their previous homework for them to try out joining methods & colour changes too!

They've bought my book & some of them have even signed up for my online course so that they can continue to practice until they can return for their "Next Step Workshop"

Here is a perfect example of Join as You Go

Well done to you all

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