Tuesday 10 September 2013

Days 252 & 253 Crochet Class Week 2

Just a very quick blog post for today & yesterday.
My apologies, but with a family funeral looming I am running out of puff & time!!

Today's Crochet Class is the 2nd one of 4

I was thrilled with the homework that they brought along

And with the chatter going around the room

We did progress onto working in the round, from working in rows today so that's GREAT progress & well done to all my pupils today you have made me one very proud Crochet Teacher!

Keep up the good work & if you are reading this PRACTICE!

Square 252

And 253 are here

You will have to wait until sometime over the weekend until the next update as on our return from the Funeral we have friends coming from London for the weekend as it's the Sturminster Newton Cheese Festival so I don't know when I will get the time to blog again.

Until then Crochet Cuddles 

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