Sunday 8 September 2013

Days 249, 250 & 251 - Crochet Cushion covers & Rectangle Crochet Cushion Cover!

I decided to put my feet up in front of the TV

And transform a boring old cushion that I had

With one of my recently purchased 200g balls of wool 

In variegated colours

I love the "shades of Autumn" that it oozes

I now have to go and buy some more wool as I have another cushion to "transform"

And I am also up to date...

with my Twitter Blanket Squares

So that's good news!

And finally

If you would like to learn to crochet but don't have time to travel to a class or indeed can't find one close to you, then why not take a look at a Crochet eLearning Course?

It is available in 3 courses

1 - The Basics 

2 - The Next Step 
3 - The Finishing Touches

Course 1 is also available in US Crochet & UK for left handers!

These courses never close - you pay the one off fee for enrolling & then you can access the course whenever you like, however many times you like, as often as you like & all from the comfort of your own home!!

What could be easier?

Here's a FREE taste of what you can expect - why not enroll today to see what it's like....

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