Monday 19 August 2013

Day 231 -Wow what a day!! US Book is not far away!

Yes we are going back across the pond again today to the USA!

My Book
Crochet cor Beginners who want to Improve has been translated (by me) checked (by me), PLUS it's been  read & approved by non other that Sara Dugan AKA  MomWithaHook
who said

"Ali, I just finished reading it and You did a fantastic job in converting. I can't tell you enough what a great resource this is."

So it's on the way to the publishers on Amazon right now & should be available within the next 24hours!!

I will also be publishing a Kindle Edition

If you would like the UK version on Kindle then please take a look here - it was released today!!

See I told you it was a WOW day.

Last night I spent a rare few hours working a few rows on my jumper....

And today I managed to complete a VERY lovely commission for Make & Craft Magazine.

It's so lovely and adorable that I want to share it with you all but I can't!

So for Day 231

I made this Pinky for today

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ali. I do mean it when I think your book is a resource. Your unique way of teaching via the Red, Amber, and Green light technique helps even someone like me who has been crocheting since '09.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!