Sunday 18 August 2013

Day 229 & 230 + Socks!!

Sock Tastic!

Yes, I am proud to present my first pair of men's socks!

They might not look it but the are enourmous

Well compared to mine, which are a size 4

These are a size 9 & they are being "modeled" on my husbands feet (size 7) with a pair of socks on underneath!

With a few feet of sock yarn going spare

I decided to use up the spare & make 2 squares for my twitter blanket, but I have position them in different locations so that they don't "clash"

Hopefully you've already been over to my NEW LOOK website
but if you haven't already
it's here

And if you haven't already seen my eLearning Courses Profile please pop over here

Thank You & Happy Crocheting!

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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!