Wednesday 31 July 2013

Day 212....Started on a sock, then.....

There's still time to enter!

You've got until midnight on Monday 5th August 

So, yes, I started to make a sock, but, a lovely huge envelope full of Rowan Pure Wool DK arrived for my commissioned Granny Square Bag

If you click on the picture you will get taken to the pattern hosted by Slugs on the Refrigerator.

So I made a start on the Granny Bag as the socks are not needed so quickly!!

However I will continue to work a little on the socks tonight if I sit under a good light as the sock yarn is 4ply & I am using a 2mm hook.

Last but not least....

Here are the cut off's from the Granny Bag

Aren't they pretty colours?

And Square 212

Plus I had more calls for my workshops today - so that's 9 for September & 2 for October or Nov so far!! WOW

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day 210 & 211 - lots to catch up on in Crochet World!

Just to remind you that you can take a sneak peak at my Crochet eLearning course for FREE! Just click on the link above.

Now for some more social networking! 

See I was right about Crochet & Technology....

This is what it says

“I can totally see why it got picked up on Pinterest. It's beautifully colorful and it takes a simple pattern idea that beginner crocheters can do but puts a new twist on it by combining different versions of the granny square motif. Plus it's a product people actually want to use since it's functional. Excellent.”
And coming from Kathryn Vercillo I am honoured!

Her website is She has done so much for the world of Crochet!

Day 210 is this lovely purple hue - I have probably used this colour before BUT it went perfectly....

into the last slot in my current size of 15 x 14 squares

Do you get Lets Get Crafting Magazine?


Well you should because there is a free eLearning Crochet Bundle being given away.

Myself & Emma at Yarn and Craft
The Yarn & Craft Shop

are giving away 
  • An eLearning Course
  • A ball of Stylecraft Special Chunky
  • A 6.5mm Hook 
  • A pack of all important stitch markers &
  • A discount code to use at Yarn & Craft Shop every time you make a purchase!

Or if you can't wait that long then just pop to the shop & purchase online - simply click on the photo above!

Did I mention my Consultant Mr Savva earlier? Yes I think he did.  Well I remember the first time I went to see him at the Hospital in Dorchester.  I was wearing a pair of my Crochet Socks which he admired.  These socks were mentioned again just before the anesthetist had her wicked way with her syringe, but as I didn't see Mr Savva again, the conversation went no further apart from the fact that he had a smile on his face when he said he's like a pair.

So this morning I phoned his secretary, asked for his shoe size & preferred colour.
She phoned me back with the required information so I am now being taken to the Wool Shop by my friend Nicky to purchase the necessary.

 Isn't she so sweet - she wanted to buy me some flowers to say "Get Better Soon" & she bought me these flowery tins with lots of flowers on them!

They are lovely

So very pretty

They will look lovely in my Crochet Classroom

Now for the Sock Yarn

He said his favourite colour was bottle green

But as hard as I tried I couldn't find bottle green sock yarn, so I opted for this lovely variegated option instead 

Greens & Greys

I can't wait to get started on them but first I have to make a tension swatch as the pattern I like says "3 LIGHT" and my sock wool is 4ply!!

I best get my hook out quick as the wool for my next commission will arrive any day now!

I have also been asked to Crochet a Bikini for a lady in the Caribbean!!

GOSH - busy me!

The square for 211 is complete but I haven't taken a picture of it,

OK I lied, I have


 I would like to share some more Crochet World news with your from


Yes the Crochet Liberation Front are having a little "makeover"

Here's the news:

The CLF Member Service really needed to mature, we’ve grown a lot in the past 20 months so it was time to get a home that was more fitting to our member needs. We’re still going to have call ins and special workshops, in fact Harrison Richards of Furls Crochet is teaching a special workshop on how to start (or grow) a profitable creative business for under $200. He’s sharing the secrets of how he took a small Etsy shop with limited sales and turned his business into a worldwide brand! Super exciting You can check out that link here:
The Crochet Liberation Front will remain my blog and a professional directory of crochet awesome.  We’re moving existing members over this week and I’m moving content over as well. We have a forum for people to ask questions and leave comments about the classes and posts in the member area, which will keep things ship shape and super organized.  The best of all I can host LOADS of audio and video programs in the member site and keep the information secure and members only. I really honor my members and if they are going to make the effort to invest in themselves I like to make sure their investment is worth while!
Our soft launch will continue through August and once we have the bulk of member content shifted over and some really awesome new stuff up we’ll do a big celebration!

Do take a look  -  this is invaluable if you want to be serious about your Crafty Business!



Now before you scroll down the page....

I am *warning* you that there is a picture of my ankle scar

So don't look if you don't want too

It's about 6 inches long


It's terribly neat 



I think my Consultant Mr Savva must have gone to sewing Classes

There is no blood and gore

I just looks like someone has drawn a red line down the lower part of my leg.

Sunday 28 July 2013

A Bit of This and a Bit of That! The weekend of days 208 & 209

Do you want to take a sneaky peaky look at my book?

Now that you've seen the Movie - Why not buy the book?

Can you tell that I am having fun today on Vine....

Now it's time to add to your stash!

If you haven't seen this BARGAIN from Yarn and Craft Shop then you are missing out!
You get a choice of all these FAB colours +
it's only £4.49 per 100g ball

That's only £2.25 per 50g!

Go & get yourself a bargain now - stock up for those Christmas gifts before she sells out!

I have spent most of the day with my foot up & typing out Crochet Patterns for a couple of magazines.  It takes me longer to add photo's to the typed up pattern than it does to make up the piece itself!!  I like to get it all "right" and in line etc. so it does take time for a girl of limited technology talents like myself.

I want to work some more on my Jumper (my very own WIP) and now that my order from Deramores has arrived, I can do so on Sunday.

 However I decided to "frog" back to the neckline as I wasn't happy with the fit under the arms

So I undid 18 rows of work

 And I am htr - ing again to get it back to where it was when I picked it up this morning

Do you remember my guest post on

Well WOW - it's had over 1,000 pins on Pintrest already!!

Just click on the above image to see for yourself!!

I have also been commissioned to make one of these bags for someone today - wow I am a busy bee!!

I have also been looking at my Stylecraft colour chart so that I can order some more Chunky for my September Workshops & Classes

Plus not only did I sell a pattern last night from my Ravelry Store 

I also sold an eLearning Course with a Starter Kit too, so that will be in 1st class post to the lady tomorrow!

And finally

Here's the Twitter blanket growing in front of your very eyes!!

Friday 26 July 2013

Day 207 - Wow what a day of fantastic Crochet News!!

Before  I launch into the fantastic day of Crochet News I am going to share Day 206 from yesterday & today's square for Day 207

Aren't they lovely colours?  The are from Deramores  "Baby Double Knitting" and they are lovely to Crochet with

Fantastic Crochet News #1

I placed this ad in the Blackmore Vale Magazine today & I have already had 4 phone calls to reserve a place!!

Actually make that 5 as I have just had another call!

I then got my post today & along with my returned pieces of work that were sent off for their photo shoot the other week I also got these lovely goodies to wish me a speedy recovery.

How thoughtful is that!
Thanks  to Make & Craft & Craft Makes

Then I get mentioned by Tracey Todhunter - a crochet designer (and knit designer too as well as a great baker & volunteer for community projects)  & a fellow crochet teacher that I greatly admire, on her wonderful blog 

I am also very proud to announce that the Granny Square Bag pattern that I blogged about yesterday

has generated 800 pins on PINTEREST!! Wow.

One of the "pinners" was Lucy from Attic24 - yes that wonderful Crochet Blog that EVERYONE loves

& this is what she said when I thanked her for her pin!

Attic24 Ali, you are more than welcome, I truly LOVE your bag, it's just the sort of thing that makes my heart melt. Simple idea, but totally made gorgeous by the colours. Fab!xxxxx

And finally......

Did you know that the latest Inside Crochet Magazine is out?

44, August 2013 issue

And my Garden Coasters are just one of the FANTASTIC patterns that you'll find in there

(these 2 images are copyright of TMP & Inside Crochet magazine)

Not only have they got a new issue out - but a new website too!

Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 206 - Guest Post by me on Slugs on the Refrigerator!

Today is OP day and I had my damaged nerve cut away (for the 2nd time) & what remains....

Buried into my muscle 

I am so glad not to be in plaster!

The first time I had this op in 2007 my damaged nerve was buried into my bone, but it started to want to come out, hence the 2nd op.  And how did this all happen you may be thinking?? Well I was on Honeymoon in Phuket when the 2004 Tsunami decided to join in the fun.  Something hit my ankle area under the water and the rest is history!

So I am now home recovering & I will make & post the square for today, tomorrow.

In other news!

Do pop over to the fantastic Crochet Camp
over on 

Where you will find my Guest Post & a pattern to this bag (by me) !! 

Slugs On The Refrigerator Crochet Camp

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 205 - Are you still following Crochet Camp?

Today is all about Granny Squares & How to change colour neatly....

Why not pop over & take a look?

Slugs On The Refrigerator Crochet Camp

The camp is full of great information!

Well folks, today is my last day with both feet intact - tomorrow is my Foot Op so don't be surprised if you don't get a blog post from me tomorrow.

I will catch up on Friday when I will be sitting there in my Pink Plaster Cast & lots of crochet time on my hands

So I leave you today with this rather Regal Square for Day 205

To commemorate the naming of the Royal Baby

George Alexander Louis

This Crochet Square is for you.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 204 - Blog to share & Day 3 of Giveaway....

Here's a very interesting blog post by Joanne Scarce over on 

She really has got down to the "nitty gritty" of how much it costs to put a pattern design out there, so next time you are purchasing a pattern, just think of all the hard work that goes into the £ you are paying!

Just to back this up, I spent the last 2 days creating a new "crochet" make for a magazine which has turned out delightfully well, however it took me ALL day today to write up the pattern on a word document & add photo's to it - All this for not a lot of money.

Don't forget that the Crochet Bundle giveaway is still open....

You will win:

A 100g Ball of Stylecraft Special DK (colour may vary)
A 4mm Aluminium Crochet Hook & a Pack of 10 Stitch Markers


The winner will also receive a 10% discount  promo code off all 3 of my Crochet eLearning Courses!

Wow what a prize!!

You can live anywhere in the world to enter 

There is only 

Here's what you have to do:

You have to tweet about the giveaway &
You have to like my FaceBook Page
You have to follow this blog

Easy Peasy!

Just use the Rafflecopter system to enter.....

Remember to follow what Rafflecopter tells you to do - you have to tweet the message provided (click on the "tweet" button) - follow a specific Facebook Page & Join or Follow this blog.

If you don't do all 3 then your entry isn't valid!

Monday 22 July 2013

Day 203 - Giveaway Day 2

Day 2
of the FAB giveaway!!

You will win:

A 100g Ball of Stylecraft Special DK (colour may vary)
A 4mm Aluminium Crochet Hook & a Pack of 10 Stitch Markers


The winner will also receive a 10% discount  promo code off all 3 of my Crochet eLearning Courses!

Wow what a prize!!

You can live anywhere in the world to enter 

There is only 

Here's what you have to do:

You have to tweet about the giveaway &
You have to like my FaceBook Page
You have to follow this blog

Easy Peasy!

Just use the Rafflecopter system to enter.....

Remember to follow what Rafflecopter tells you to do - you have to tweet the message provided (click on the "tweet" button) - follow a specific Facebook Page & Join or Follow this blog.

If you don't do all 3 then your entry isn't valid!

And now for Days 201

Day 202

And 203!

Now back to working on my commissions!

Sunday 21 July 2013

Day 201 & 202 PLUS Free Crochet Giveaway!!!!

Yes, it's that time again!

I am feeling very generous & so I have decided to share with you, my readers, a free giveaway as a thank you for visiting & revisiting my page!!

You will win:

A 100g Ball of Stylecraft Special DK (colour may vary)
A 4mm Aluminium Crochet Hook & a Pack of 10 Stitch Markers


The winner will also receive a 10% discount  promo code off all 3 of my Crochet eLearning Courses!

Wow what a prize!!

You can live anywhere in the world to enter 

There is only 

Here's what you have to do:

You have to tweet about the giveaway &
You have to like my FaceBook Page
You have to follow this blog

Easy Peasy!

Just use the Rafflecopter system to enter..... 

If you want to share this on your blog page then simply use this code:

The more the Merrier!!

I can assure you that the squares for Days 201 & 202 are in production & awaiting to be joined to my Twitter Blanket.
If I can't post the photo's later today (lots going on) then I will do so tomorrow.

Fingers crossed for you all

Happy Crocheting!