Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 206 - Guest Post by me on Slugs on the Refrigerator!

Today is OP day and I had my damaged nerve cut away (for the 2nd time) & what remains....

Buried into my muscle 

I am so glad not to be in plaster!

The first time I had this op in 2007 my damaged nerve was buried into my bone, but it started to want to come out, hence the 2nd op.  And how did this all happen you may be thinking?? Well I was on Honeymoon in Phuket when the 2004 Tsunami decided to join in the fun.  Something hit my ankle area under the water and the rest is history!

So I am now home recovering & I will make & post the square for today, tomorrow.

In other news!

Do pop over to the fantastic Crochet Camp
over on 

Where you will find my Guest Post & a pattern to this bag (by me) !! 

Slugs On The Refrigerator Crochet Camp

1 comment:

  1. Loved your post on Slugs on a Refrigerator. Oh, that looks super painful. Hope you heal quickly. (at least it doesn't interfere with crocheting right?)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!