Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 204 - Blog to share & Day 3 of Giveaway....

Here's a very interesting blog post by Joanne Scarce over on 

She really has got down to the "nitty gritty" of how much it costs to put a pattern design out there, so next time you are purchasing a pattern, just think of all the hard work that goes into the £ you are paying!

Just to back this up, I spent the last 2 days creating a new "crochet" make for a magazine which has turned out delightfully well, however it took me ALL day today to write up the pattern on a word document & add photo's to it - All this for not a lot of money.

Don't forget that the Crochet Bundle giveaway is still open....

You will win:

A 100g Ball of Stylecraft Special DK (colour may vary)
A 4mm Aluminium Crochet Hook & a Pack of 10 Stitch Markers


The winner will also receive a 10% discount  promo code off all 3 of my Crochet eLearning Courses!

Wow what a prize!!

You can live anywhere in the world to enter 

There is only 

Here's what you have to do:

You have to tweet about the giveaway &
You have to like my FaceBook Page
You have to follow this blog

Easy Peasy!

Just use the Rafflecopter system to enter.....

Remember to follow what Rafflecopter tells you to do - you have to tweet the message provided (click on the "tweet" button) - follow a specific Facebook Page & Join or Follow this blog.

If you don't do all 3 then your entry isn't valid!

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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!