Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day 169 - Sewing & Crochet Class !

I decided to make my plaster cast a "sleeping bag"
 As I can't stand the thought of putting a plaster cast "between the sheets" after it's been paraded around all day

So out came the scissors....

 And the trusty Singer

 And after making a test swatch for stitch tension

I got to work!

 I checked it for size

Trimmed the ribbon
Ta - Dah!

Now for Crochet - My student "V" brought this FAB Granny Square in today
 I love the colours!

I promised her that if she did her homework, which was colour changes in Granny Squares, that I would teach her how to 
Granny Rectangle & Triangle!

And she did really well

Now for Square A Day 170

Here they all are 13 x 13 squares to date!
I love it

And here's the square of the day!

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