Monday 17 June 2013

Day 168 - Just as I thought "phew" + Course 3 "The Finishing Touches"

Just as I thought "phew" that's all my commissions work over & done with for a bit, another large bag of the most loveliest wool (100%) arrived in the post today!

Plus I have been asked to do a regular monthly slot for a well know magazine & I am thrilled with this spot!

However I have popped it all away so that I can get on with a few WIP's of my own

One of them is Day 169

Another is a hat that was started with a pupil last Friday who has already send me a photo of hers & I have a lot of catching up to do

And my socks need a tiny bit of work to finish off the edging.  I am now pleased to say that this is now done.

There is also my jumper to finish which is now my ONLY personal WIP which I have promised myself that I will find time for this week.

And after loads of tears & sweat, research & organisation, I present to you

Crochet eLearning Course 3 - The Finishing Touches


  1. Congratulations on your regular slot. That is really great news. You must be really pleased.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!