Wednesday 5 June 2013

Day 156 - Crochet Design & Mathematics!

I was supposed to meet my lovely friend from Blandford for a coffee today, but she is full of cold so she very thoughtfully phoned me to cancel - I don't want any bugs before my op so that was very sweet of her.
If you are reading this NS I hope you feel better really soon. x

So I cracked on with my Crochet Commissions instead - I am still waiting for wool to arrive, which should have arrived last week, but I made the most of my time and got on with the pattern writing side of things instead.

This is where the trouble started.

My Crochet & my mathematics were not being friends & this is  not good news as it's all about getting the two to "harmonize" so I resorted to good old fashioned pen & paper and several attempts later things clicked.

To be honest it might be my brain, but now I may never know!

So now it's Day 156 and look at what I have already.....

Isn't it lovely?

Considering this is all made with "wool stash scraps" I LOVE it

And not to miss out the square for today......

.... here is Day 156

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