Tuesday 4 June 2013

Day 155 - Crochet All Day !!

I spent the whole morning designing, pattern writing and mocking up a few items that I have been commissioned to make for magazines, as I am STILL waiting for the post to arrive with the wool needed,  so I was more than pleased when the clock struck 4 and my Crochet Pupil arrived.

I did tell her to bring her dogs along, if it was a sunny day, so that they could play with Scrumpy, which is what they did - for 2 hours!!

In the meantime I taught the lovely "V" how to colour change when making Granny Squares.

We practiced on a previously made Granny first & then started from scratch.

And this is what she made in class

I wish that I had thought to take a picture of the back of her square too, because its as neat as the front!!

I must say that I am exhausted today, probably due to the pain & the painkillers that I am currently taking for my ankle - the operation is on the 28th so only 24 days to go - YAY

So I was fortunate enough to have enough puff left in me to make Day 155.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali, it sounds like you have been really busy lately! I hope you feel better & take care.
    Julie from julieslifestyle.blogspot.com


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