Monday 1 April 2013

Day 88, 89, 90 & 91 + Guest Blog Post & Left Handers Video

Guest Blog Post

Back in the autumn, I stumbled across Turn the Page - The Artists Book Fair. As a book addict and a maker, this appealed to me immediately, however it was a while before I decided to submit a proposal for a piece based on my knitted diary wall hanging, which I made at the beginning of 2012. (link to my recent post about TTP which includes an image of the wall hanging -

The knitted diary is formed of 28 separate knitted pieces, one for each day for one month. The style and colours chosen on each day reflected how I was feeling and what I was doing that day (so, a knitted diary). For Turn the Page, I proposed an installation comprising a set of knitted and crocheted diaries in book form.

I managed to get my submission in with hours to spare, and then waited until the end of January to find out whether I'd been lucky enough to be accepted, and I was. I then set about putting together the set of diaries, which are mostly formed of crochet pages (with some knitting). The books vary in size and, again, the colours, textures and format of the books were all decided in the same manner as for my knitted diary hanging, although some of the pieces were worked on over several days.

I'm really looking forward to exhibiting at Turn the Page (at The Forum in Norwich on 3 & 4 May) and I'm excited to meet all of the other artists, whose books are created from a wide range of media and techniques. I will be there in person on both days so would love to meet anyone who is in the area. As well as the selling exhibition, there will be a number of activities planned over the two days including poetry readings and sessions for children.

You can find out more about Turn the Page on their website - or follow them on Twitter @turnthepage2013 or on Facebook -

Thank you to Kate for this great Blog Post

 Good Friday

Easter Saturday

Easter Sunday 

And finally Bank Holiday Monday!

Thanks for the mention on your blog the other day Julie

And Finally!

I have finished Top Secret Project #2
Ahead of deadline too!!

Oh sorry & Finally finally




  1. I've missed what your challenge is for 2013.
    I still love my granny square blanket from last year and it's still on top of our bed, along with the matching pillow.

  2. Hi Ali, thanks again for a great blog post and it's nice that you are putting a video on your blog to show people how to start crocheting! Your welcome for me mentioning you on my blog! You are a talented crochet teacher and designer. Take care, Julie - USA


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!