Thursday 28 March 2013

Day 87, Crochet Class & eLearning News!

 Look at these!

One of my eLearning students sent me these photo's earlier today

My hear soared at the sight of them - they are amazingly wonderful!

So if you want to learn to crochet too & you haven't got a crochet class near you, then here's where to come!

And now for Class news

A baby hat and 2 pairs of baby booties were brought in by one of my pupils

 And this lovely bunny by another!

 In class today, we learnt Bavarian Crochet.

Unfortunately I forgot to take photo's as we ran over time, but more next week!
It sure is a wool eater of a project!

 Day 87 is this lovely Emerald Green Square thanks to @MrsSut 
who I met for a coffee today - both thanks to Twitter - it's lovely to make new friends!

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!