Friday 1 March 2013

Day 60, Book Review & FAME!!!!!!

This book was lent to me by one of my intermediate students the other day.  I didn't have much time to look through it there and then, however I did have some time this morning, before my 1st pupil of the day arrived, so I flicked through it.

I was mesmerized.  By them time I had seen the content I was thinking "WOW"
I enjoyed all the instructions, written clearly in UK crochet terminology & all of the stitch patterns are backed up with symbols charts.  There are also some fantastic projects that you can get hooking including a really special Dog Bed!

This would be the book that I would recommend to all Crocheter's whether you are a beginner, an Intermediate or anywhere in between!

So my pupil arrived and after admiring her Crochet Bunting

 And the Hook Case that she made! They are FAB.

We then went on to following Symbols charts from the above mentioned book.

I have now ordered my own copy of this book and so has my pupil!!

 My TWO, yes TWO claims to fame today are that I got mentioned in the Local Paper - The Blackmore Vale Magazine


In the UK's Best Selling Crochet Magazine

Inside Crochet!

And after ALL that excitement

Here is Day 60 

 I am 100% sure that this is a totally new colour mix


My pupil from this morning has just sent me this photo via Twitter

   Since she has returned home she has crocheted 3 flowers, all from following a pattern that she got totally stuck on last week!

Well done "K"



  1. Ali that is wonderful you being mentioned in a magazine and the newspaper. Your students are really learning a lot from you.
    Julie - USA

  2. Thanks Julie - USA you are always so supportive! Sending you Crochet Hugs and Knitty Cuddles x

  3. Congrats on your features!
    After all this time, this is the first I've realized that you are in the UK!

    1. Hi Marsha, Thanks! Is it really?? LOL that's quite funny really. Yes I am in the UK in the countryside now (as I moved house 8 months ago) living in a cute little village with no street lighting and an open fire! x

  4. How exciting seeing your name in a magazine - well done you. I really enjoy your blog - I have only just started to crochet (about six weeks ago) and I am totally hooked I have already made a granny square blankie for the sofa - granny squares are so addictive and I am half way through a pram blanket in a ripple pattern - I can't read patterns yet but love watching tutes on you tube - do you have a link to your your tube stuff please.

    1. Hi Lorna, yes it is exciting to see my name in a magazine! Thanks for enjoying my blog - I am so pleased that you do & that you have taken up Crochet - how are you learning? Do you go to Classes? Are you learning from a book? I love Granny Squares too! They are my weakness & I love to make blankets. If you need help with reading patterns then you should try my e learning course. I have pattern reading help in all the lessons and I continue to build up on both pattern reading and reading symbols charts as the lessons grow. My You Tube videos - I only have the first one available to the general public. The others are available on my e learning course, however I am thinking about making them available for purchase separately from the course so at a lower cost. I will blog about that if it happens. Thanks again for your kind comments. Ali

    2. Hi Ali - I have no money to buy books or lessons so I have been learning from the tutes on you tube - my local Hobbycraft had a three for the price of two sale on all their yarn a week or so ago so I got stocked up - granny squares are my favourite too.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!