Thursday 28 February 2013

Day 59 + 2 Crochet Workshops!

Unfortunately I didn't take any photo's of my Beginners workshop this morning, but I can assure you that they did ever so well!

I taught them how to hold the wool correctly, a foundation chain, double & treble crochet with working in rows & getting straight edges.
It's an awful lot to take in in one go, so half way through we started again, from the very beginning with a slip knot and slowly slowly, it all started to fall into place.

Here are the intermediates!

In the first half of today's lesson I went through any stumbling blocks that each of them may have come across in recent projects, which all of them found very useful & in the 2nd half

We followed a symbols chart to get them all used to identifying the different stitches 
& we all made.....



 They all said that they  had enjoyed the workshop and that they had learnt something new!!

For Day 59 I chose a dusky pink that had been donated to me by one of my pupils.
I am not too sure if I had it in my colours already, but on closer inspection it's a very very slightly different shade so 

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