Tuesday 5 February 2013

Day 36 & Two Crochet Classes

Ok I know these two photo's are upside down but nothing that I do rotates them - even rotating them rotates them so here they are anyway and this is what we made in Intermediates Class this morning.

We read Symbols Charts & came up with these!

The lovely bunting below is thanks to Vicky from String Theory Crochet

Here's the link

and on there you will find links to the shops they use e.g. Etsy, so you can go and take a look at what they have on offer!

Here is Day 36

Another new colour, another yarn donated by a Tweeter for my Tweet Blanket!

And this afternoon I took a beginners lesson.

After going through various problems that they had come across in the week, we learnt Joining Techniques, Joining new colours & then when they saw my heart, they wanted to make one too, so I talked them through the pattern, as it was in Symbols, and they haven't covered that yet and here they are!

Symbols pattern used was from Crochet Geek

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem with my pictures on Blogger sometimes. It can be very frustrating.
    Cute hearts :-)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!