Monday 4 February 2013

Day 35, An Owl & more WIP

If you got your Simply Crochet Magazine issue 2, you would have got one of these lovely little owl hook checkers.  I did spend a frustrating 10 minutes trying to work out how to use it with a hook that had a handle - silly me - must have been having a "Brunette" moment!

I spent the weekend making lots of "secret" projects that I can't tell you about just yet, so you will just have to come back every day until I can tell you more!

Here is Square 35 & YES it's a new colour thanks to someone from Twitter, but as I have mixed the sample yarns up, I'm afraid I don't know who it came from - sorry!

I will have to try to be more careful in future.

I also managed to add another row to my rectangular Granny

I have an idea of what I can do with it - idea's are forming in my head!

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