Monday 14 January 2013

Day 14 - Busy Bee Day

Before I start to babble on, I would like to introduce a new blog to you, which has just been started by my Twitter Friend and fellow Dorset resident, Caroline.

It's in it's infancy at the moment, but I am sure that it will grow and grow to make very good and interesting reading in the future!

Now for my news:

I have been really busy with phone calls from ladies wanting to book up to come to Group Classes that start this week, tomorrow in fact, so I am not complaining there as it means that I have  more new pupils to look forward to teaching and more like-minded people to meet!

I have also been busy preparing for both Group Beginners & Intermediate classes, printing off leaflets, patterns, symbols charts etc. and making sure that I have enough tea, coffee & cake to keep us all going.

On Tuesdays I have intermediates in the mornings and beginners in the afternoons and on Thursdays, beginners in the mornings & intermediates in the afternoons!

I was also contacted by the Western Guardian asking me if I would like to take out an advert in their next publication, which would include and editorial.  The next one comes out at the end of January, so that would be good timing for the new run of group classes that are due to start in February.  As they are doing a New Start, New You, New Look piece I think that this may be a very good idea!

This morning I went to The Exchange in Sturminster Newton to sign up to become a member of Country Markets.  I will go there every Monday morning with a few items for sale plus my leaflets to promote my classes some more - it's all about the networking you see!!

And with all that going on, plus dog walks, cooking and very little housework, I completed my square for 
Day 14

I had to raid my NEW YARN STASH for a new colour!
This one is called "Rose Pink"

I have come up with a good idea, which is to raid my new pupils yarn stashes for a little length of some of the colours that they bring with them, so that I can make more squares in different colours - do you think they'll let me??

You'll have to wait and see!

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