Sunday 13 January 2013

Day 13 & New Look

Well it's a New Year and I have been meaning to give my blog a makeover for a New Look for some time now, but I haven't had the time before today!!

I do hope that you all like the nice clean look that it has?  

It took me ages to resize the header photograph, but I got there in the end.  If only my computer skills were as advances as my Crochet skills!!
I have a few bits to straighten out to make it "perfect" and I have been told that the mobile version is a lot better to read now too - more clear etc. so I am pleased with it.

Let me know your thoughts - all feedback is gratefully received!

And with all that, a dog walk, life day to day things to do etc. I still found time to make my Square for Day 13


  1. I love the colours you used for the square of the day! This is such a fun project! I have to many Wip's right now, so remembering this for next year! Sounds like there perfect "diary"!

  2. Love the new look blog :) It does have a nice clean look and shows off your pictures beautifully.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!