Monday 7 May 2012

Sock Mad and it's GAD 128 + Email pics from Pupil

If you read GAD 127 yesterday, you will have seen that I finished my first pair of socks made with Wendy 4ply "Happy" in lovely shades of pinks, greens & purples

Well I loved making them so much

That I decided to make another pair

This time the yarn is Regia "Garden Effects" 75% new wool & 25% Polyamid
The label states that this yarn is 
*Dimensionally stable
*Hard Wearing
*Machine washable (no felting)
*Dryer Proof
with 10years Regia Guarantee!

So I started pair 2
However following a slightly different pattern, however with the same start of ch15, it was soon apparent that the sock was coming up too big, so I adjusted the ch15 to ch11 and went from there.

This made a big difference as the sock, as you can see, is fitting very snugly

As I had decreased the chain at the beginning I also decreased the amount of chains around the circumference and then the amount of chains that I would have to skip once I had made the chain to create the space for the heel!

As you can see it all worked out in the end.

I changed the main body stitch of the sock to a HTR rather than the combination of stitch mentioned in the patter which was 1dc and 1tr all  around - I don't know why I decided on this but it was less complicated to do and easier to watch TV at the same time

I did the recommended Ribbing at the top of the sock which was made up of FPTR and BPTR which worked out well

And this sock is really comfortable

And soft

Here's a close up of the Ribbing at the top and the Heel

Now for the long awaited GAD 128

A cream centre with a maroon 2nd row, a sage green 3rd row framed by a peach border
I think these colours work well together

I also have more news from my Saturday Lady Crochet Pupil

She made another bag and attached the handles all by herself!

She also emailed me a picture of the mini granny squares that we were working on in class together, which is now all joined and ready to add to her blanket

Well done JC


  1. Nicely done! I'm going to hit the nineties today with my squares...I'm catching up!

    1. oh well done SJ - that's a really good catch up - I can't wait to see some photo's. :)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!