Sunday 6 May 2012

Granny A Day 127 & a PAIR of socks!!

I am going to come clean and blog that GAD 127 nearly didn't happen today - I will explain a little later - however here it is and as we had another miserable day weather wise, I decided to make a lovely sunny and brightly coloured square

And the reason that GAD 127 nearly didn't happen today was because that I really wanted to finish my socks 

And here they are.  I know that the right sock is a little loose on the leg, but I can only think that it's because one leg is a little thinner than the other, so I will have to get some fine elastic and sew that into the cuff, which is actually turned down on the photo's, so you can't see it properly.

The important thing is that the actual feet bit fits beautifully and it's a very snug fit and feels lovely.

I am going to start another pair now in a different type of sock yarn.

Sock Fantastic!

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