Sunday 13 May 2012

Granny A Day 134 & Tunisian Crochet

I am sorry that I don't have a great deal to share with you today

I have made Granny A Day 134, mainly using the yarns that I have been using on my scarf

And I have added a few more rows to my scarf, the one that I am making using the Tunisian Crochet method.

I am not totally "sold" on Tunisian crochet yet.
I am sure that I will get to like it more once I have practised more.
I have taught myself to "darn in as I go along" when I make colour changes, as I could not find anything in the book that I bought or on You Tube

I will add a few more rows to it tonight and go from there.

I do hope that you have all had a good weekend.


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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!