Monday 14 May 2012

GAD 135 & WIP news

WIP News:

I decided that I would have a good go at finishing of the joining of the motifs on my Summer Top today

Here is the back before the last 10 or so motifs were added

And here is a close up of the painstaking work involved

Once I had joined the front to the back via the shoulder straps there was only one way to proceed
and that was by putting the whole top on my tailors dummy

It's still not finished but at least it's looking more like a top

The pattern says "one size fits all" and "it's meant to be a tight fit" but I am not so sure!
I think I will have to make a few more motifs so that the fit is a lot more comfortable.

Now for Granny A Day 135

I used Cream, followed by Purple, then cream again with a Fuchsia Pink edge 

And here is another view of the back
to show off the neatness of the join as you go method

Which I am very pleased that I have used

Thanks for reading
Ali x


  1. Your top is looking gorgeous! Can't wait to see it finished :)

    1. Hi SJ, thanks, yes it's looking good, but between you and me I am not sure that I like it, on me that is! LOL. Maybe I will like it more once it is finished, has the extra motifs in place and the sun is shining (we hare having awful weather here) Ali :)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!