Friday 6 April 2012

Lion has a Face Lift, GAD and WIP's

Lots to blog about today!!

First and foremost is the Lion I made yesterday.
I wasn't 100% happy with the puffy cheeks 

They look good in the photo but up front is a different matter! 
It just doesn't look right, so I thought that I would make the smaller, but that didn't help, so I took them off all together and got my needle and black wool out instead

I also gave his hair another layer, a longer layer added to his mane

And I think he looks perfect now!

Now for WIP No. 1

This is the homework that one of my pupils has set me

We have agreed to get to the first stage which is the lower body of the cardigan which has to measure 11 inches.  I am currently at just over 6 inches, so not far to go!

I am really pleased with how it's turning out

And this is what is should look like when it's finished.

Next is WIP No. 2

It's taking forever to join all the motif's together

So I set my self a target of finishing off the front today

And here it is - the front is all joined up!

Sirdar Cotton Crochet Pattern Book 376
This is what it should look like when it's finished
I sure hope it does!

Finally GAD # 97 is this combination of peach, burgundy and grey
A real Yarn Stash Buster!


  1. Love your interpretation for the face of the Lion! I so want to make one of these :)


    1. Thanks Cazkiwi, the pattern is for sale if you want to buy a copy?


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