Thursday 5 April 2012

Granny Square Mania & The King of the Jungle!

I am going to start my blog post today with a very BIG WOW to my "Granny Square Lady" who returned today for her 2nd lesson.

When she arrived last week she confirmed, after many emails, that all she wants to learn to make is a Giant Granny Square in Multi Colours, so I taught her what she wanted to know!

Her homework last week, was to practice a plain granny square, which you can see on the left in the picture below, and today she made lots of centres to remind her of how a granny square is started.

I was satisfied, more than satisfied, that she had the start firmly embedded in her memory, so we progressed to colour changes

And here is one of many that she completed in class.

To my utter joy she sent me an email this evening which contained this photograph of a Granny Square with colour changes that she made all by herself at home!!

I am bursting with pride!

I made this Granny A Day #96 square today, in the same class, so a bit of a cheat, but it was a shame to waste it!

Now for the mystery from yesterday's post.
A friend of mine has a landmark birthday coming up soon and during our last chat over a coffee she told me that she liked Lions!

So I scoured the internet and found a pattern on this site

It appealed to me because there was not a lot of "sewing in" involved, as you tend to find with so many toys.

So you make one leg, and then the other, and then join across the top of both, and then you work around the top (front and back) to start the body.....

You then crochet in the tail (made before the legs) as you crochet along

which I really like the idea of

Once you have made the body, you start to decrease a little for the neck area and then increase to shape the head - all in one!

I took time placing the eyes
(this looks so cute here)

Stuffed the head
(even cuter)

Closed the head up
(very neat don't you think?)

I then had to make the arms, but to be honest, if I were to do this again, I would have the arms ready to crochet in (as was done with the tail) instead of having to sew them in later

The cheeks - I am really undecided about these - I am not sure that I like them as they are toooooo puffy & large.  I think I might take them off and just sew on some flat circles

The cheeks look better in the photo than they do looking at him!

I added the mane, but will probably make another longer haired mane

And here he is!

I do hope he's a hit with the Birthday Girl

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