Sunday 15 April 2012

Headless Lion & Granny A Day 106

 Yes I have a Headless Lion!

He's the one I am making on commission, but I have run out of Safety Eyes!!!!
So, I will continue a little more of him tonight, up to the top area of the head, but I will remember not to stuff or close him up before the eyes have been purchased!

At least I can make the Mane and the Nose ready to sew in later, if I have the time.
Thanks to all of you have purchased Crochet All in One Toy Patterns so far and for all the GREAT feedback too!

Granny A Day 106 is here
I do love these colours together.

Hope you've all had a great Sunday & if you do stop by for a read, then why not leave a Comment or become a Follower!!

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