Monday 16 April 2012

Granny A Day # 107

As you can see, GAD # 107 is a little different from the norm!

I thought that I would adapt one of the patterns from 200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws & Afghans by Jan Eaton CLICK HERE if you want to buy a copy of this MUST HAVE book and one that I highly recommend.
Anyway, as I was saying, I thought I would adapt one of the patterns, so I chose the STAR FLOWER pattern but only made the Star from the pattern, the frame of the original pattern, I adapted to fit in with my "Granny" theme, and it worked out superbly - even to the extent that I could "join as you go" too!

I am really thrilled with how it's turned out and I may do a few more "variations" in Granny A Days to come.

Sadly, due to commitments today, I have to inform you that LION is still headless.  Even if I did have the time, my local wool shop is closed on a Monday so I couldn't have got the safety eyes anyway!  I will have to try tomorrow.

I hope you like my new Granny Square.

More tomorrow!
Bye for now.


  1. I have also crochet this square for my project. I like your frame!
    Groetjes Jacqueline

  2. Hi Jacqueline and thanks for your comment - it's a lovely square to make - very "cheerful" I will go and take a look at your blog now so thanks for the link.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!