Monday 6 February 2012

Day #37

It's Day 37 of Granny A Day already and I can't believe how quickly my Granny Blanket is growing!  I am sticking to Granny Squares and not being tempted to deviate at all - however with Valentines day coming up and the Diamond Jubilee  + the Olympics, I may have the odd "one off's" on the days in question!

My friend, who has just given birth to Baby B sent me this fantastic photo today -  baby fingers through her Baby Granny Blanket....

Ahhhhh!! I will treasure this picture forever!

Now this is Granny A Day No. 37 in White, Burgundy & Brown made from wool or yarn scraps

And this is all 37 squares together

It's going to look FANTASTIC once it's finished & I am so glad I started this!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!