Sunday 5 February 2012

Day #36 Granny A Day and Blocking Crochet

 This is Granny A Day 36.  I did say that I was going to use up scraps and here is the proof!  I started off in Green and got all of Row 1 done and 2 corners of Row 2, but then I had to change to White as Green ran out!!

It does look a bit lob sided but hey, by the time all 366 squares are joined together, no one will notice!!

Now, here is another Motif for the
 376 cover

Here it is starting off

And here it is finished - but look at the shape it's in!!

All you can do is to block it

This is what I do - I get my cheap cork board and some pins and by eye, I pin it out, being careful not to catch the thread when the pin is inserted.

I then spray it with starch and leave the board on top of a radiator in the winter, or in the sun in the summer time to "bake"

And here's what you get......

A big difference eh?

I have put all my motifs into plastic folders as they come off the board.  I have probably done 3 or 4 of each one now.


  1. very pretty floral motifs.

  2. well, I'm not doing like you if I would have run out...but I have several shorter pieces of yarn that are enough to do a middle in my bag out here.
    I've worked way ahead on the squares trying to use up yarn, but darn, then I got down to just 5 colors to work with. Off I went to my tote of yarn to find a few more colors.
    I will have a new photo on Wednesday.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!