Sunday 1 January 2012

HaPpY nEw YeAr 2012

I am going to start my first Blog Post of 2012 with these fantastic pictures.

They were sent to my by one of my pupils JC yesterday

We started off the flowers / floral centres and the base of the squares in class together before Christmas

JC took all three home and completed them

They look so brilliant - I am really proud of her, especially as she also sent me this picture, of the blanket in Rainbow Colours, which was the first pattern that she came to me with - she's soldiering on and trying to crochet a row a day - what an achievement so far!

I love the colours.

Now for the completed Draught Excluder

This was my boring rolled up fleece......

And this was the start of the cover I crocheted.  I was a little concerned as it seemed to be getting bigger in some places and smaller in others - although I was using DK and a 4mm hook throughout, it must be the wool/yarn manufacturers - they must differ very slightly on thickness.  I was using lots of odds and ends and I don't think that any of the wools were made in the same factory.

It's like going to M&S and trying on a size 10 then going to NEXT and fitting into a size 8!!

Anyway back to crochet.....

I am really pleased with the end result

It's really colourful and has "made over" that boring old rolled up fleece blanket no end

I just love the colours


You can join in at any time - just let me know that you are participating and I will add you to the list

I will do my first Granny of 2012 later today and blog it.


  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Happy New year2012


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!