Sunday 1 January 2012

Granny - A - Day #1

If you missed the original post then click here Granny-A-Day

Well here is #1

I have to improvise with yarn/wool from my stash as the ones I have ordered have not arrived and probably won't arrive now until Tuesday 3rd.  Actually not probably, it will not arrive until then as tomorrow is a Bank Holiday.

The first colour I used is a Soft Yellow in DK and I used a 4mm hook

The 2nd colour is a Lavender as I know that I have ordered a similar colour

And finally a Baby Blue

Tomorrow's square will be more exciting as I will be joining it (obviously on one side only) as I go along 
Happy New Year


  1. My first one is finished :-)

  2. Thanks for the link Sue, I will take a look right now! *excited*

  3. After seeing both of the fab squares above I am going to try up my game :) hopefully i can produce slightly better than I did today, tomorrow ;)

  4. Debbie you don't need to up your game at all! I loved your square. I will be making plain squares - very plain ones indeed, as mine will be a totally solid colour. I am just waiting for my yarn stash to arrive so you will be seeing some very plain old granny's from me very soon!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!