Saturday 7 January 2012

Day #7 Granny Square + Hook Sort out!

I know that I said in my Granny A Day  project

post, that I have ordered lots of lovely wool for my Granny a Day project &
I also blogged about all the lovely wools arriving on Day #5

Well I have changed my mind!  I am saving the above lovely lovely wools / yarns for a project to be yet decided on.  Maybe a Ripple Blanket or a multi colour Granny Square Blanket - I have yet to decide!

So, after my Yarn & Wool Stash sort out, it's most sensible to use my bit's and  bobs
to make my Granny A Day Granny Squares as I am only making them 4 rows wide, so it makes sense.

Today, day 7, I dipped my hand into the basket and out came 4 colours

Which I crocheted together to make Granny Square 7

And here's all 7 joined together - I love the Join as you Go method

Click on the link above for a FREE tutorial

Now for my Hook Sort Out.
As you may have already read, I organised my yarn/wool stash yesterday, so today I sorted out my hooks

 These are my 2 Favourites - I got them for subscribing to Inside Crochet Magazine

Thanks to the Ravelry Website

I now have a full inventory of all my hooks

Total 22 that are accounted for below and 2 that have no markings on so 
24 in total

(click to enlarge)

 All my hooks?

Actually - no
I also have 
9 plastic 4mm hooks
20 Aluminium 4mm hooks

These I take to group classes with me in case someone hasn't committed to Crochet as yet (but I know they will) so they can borrow a  hook - I don't always get them back mind you.

 How many hooks do you have?

Scroll up to the POLL at the top right of this page to add your answer!

Until tomorrow folks


  1. Fantastic idea about using up all your bits! I haven't counted my hooks, too scared to ;-) I know I have a full aluminium set a full bamboo set. 2 sets with plastic handles with smaller sizes and a set of smaller sizes of aluminium ends but bamboo handles. i also have a full set of tunisian hooks, tunisian hooks with plastic ends and a full set of knitting needles all in bamboo. That isn't counting any I have got free off magaizines. Ooops that is a lot.

  2. Tunisian Crochet is one thing that I want to teach myself this year! Maybe you'll have a good hook sort out / inventory soon? Would be great to hear what you have!

  3. I didn't know you were on Rav! I've just friended you....


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!