Saturday 10 December 2011

A new pupil arrives!

I know that I sound a little surprised with the title of my post today, however with people cancelling, here, there and everywhere of late, I was not too sure whether or not she'd turn up, but she did.

I have made the decision to ask new clients to pay up front in the future and after a little research this does seem to be the norm with lots of different craft classes & as someone else quite rightly pointed out, if you were signing up for an Adult Local Education Class, you would not only have to pay up front for one lesson but for the whole course!

Ok back to today ......

JC has crocheted previously but sadly not for a few years.  She picked up the basic VERY quickly as we went through the foundation chain, slip stitch, double crochet and treble crochets together.  Working at her pace, she crocheted a really good practice block.

To my delight she brought out a blanket pattern that she would like to work on over the Festive Season and I was thrilled when she brought out a print out of an Attic 24 Classic Granny Blanket

So we went through the recommended practice swatch together and I must say I am thrilled with the way her work has turned out!

After a dog walk, an adjustment to my husbands beanie hat (he wore it today on the dog walk and realised that he needed more of a turn up to pull down over his ears in these days of chill) and making sure that all my bits and bobs were packed and ready to go off to Merton Abbey Mills tomorrow, I continued with my swatch as I think I could turn it into either a Kindle Cover or a scarf!

Wish me luck for tomorrow. I would LOVE a total sell out - obviously - so call back in tomorrow and I will update my blog with news

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, hope the fair went well. I am sure you'll have sold loads!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!