Friday 9 December 2011

Another Wool Sale to attend

I have had several cancellations this week including both private/ individuals and Group Classes at local venues - all of them last minute & therefore not letting me have any time to re book / re schedule my own time or allowing me to book in other classes due to the short notice.  I know that this can't be helped, but it does mean that I don't get paid a bean and as I can't book in anyone else at such short notice, so I am really out of pocket, which is hard when you are trying to start up a business.  I wish this was a "hobby / work" type of arrangement but it's not.

Should I start to ask for a Deposit to be paid when I get phone or email enquiry, to secure a booking?  I am not sure that it will put people off, and even if they do agree, will they actually remember to go on PayPal to pay it, or are they even with PayPal???

However the "Silver Lining" to this cancellation and loss of earnings was that I didn't have to rush the Wool Sale - I think that I have mentioned these before, however here it is again.  A local couple used to own a wool shop, they sold it due to retirement, but they still had all their stock - hence the wool sale!

Each ball is £1 and I spent £30 there today, which is very good for me as I have spent over £50 there before.  The best thing is that I managed to get 4 balls of Sirdar Denim Chunky in Navy, which I have been after since the last sale.  I also got a Sirdar Denim Chunky in a mix and I have started on a Beanie Hat for my Husband.

Here are some pictures of the hat being started and the wool colours.

To change the wool each time, I simply worked along in DC (SC in the US) until the last stitch, so in this case (above picture) a blue

Then on the last stitch I work with the blue, so pull the blue through, I now have a loop of each colour on the hook

& once I pull the last loop through I only have the blue loop on the hook and I continue working in blue until I get to the last stitch, which will be a mix one, and change to the mix wool 

This is the back of the work to show you how neat it looks.

So I am not fastening off and joining at the start / end of each row, as this would be a pain!

And here is my LOVELY husband having the "final fitting"

He loves it and so do I

I am glad that I have finally crocheted a warming hat for him


  1. I know a few ladies here that do papercrating classes and will not confirm a booking for a class unless they receive payment via email transfer or paypal. They have success with it (have been doing it for years) AND not only are folks more likely to show, but as the deposits (in fact, they charge the entire $25 fee for the class up-front) are non-refundable, in the event of a cancellation they still get paid for their preparation and setting aside of time... good luck! Glad to hear you got in on a sale though!!WOOT! WOOT!

  2. Thanks St.John's Mom - that's good to know and after speaking to a student today, who said she would have paid upfront, that's exactly what I am going to do from now on.
    Woot - Woot !!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!