Monday 5 December 2011

My week ahead

I have a very busy week this week, starting with 2 lots of 2 hour classes today, a group class tomorrow morning,  another 2 hour class on Wednesday, then another group class on Friday, followed by my first Saturday class which I had to do (I was trying to avoid working weekends) but this lady works full time all week so I couldn't say no!

I didn't crochet at all yesterday, although I did sort out my new FOLKSY shop - I still have some items to add in, however it's a start.

I also finished off the Beanie Hat ordered by my Postman - he wanted his unions initials put on the front so I did that for him last night.  However I wasn't happy with the finish, so I re did it this morning in a thicker stitch and I think it's now FAB.......

Oh, did I mention that I have a customer commission order to complete too?  It's for an Ear Flaps hat in Lime Green and the wool I have bought for this is wonderful to touch and a really great shade of colour - I can't wait to start it!

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