Saturday 3 December 2011

My 1st Craft Fair

Yes, today was the day and after a pretty sleepless night and with the help of the lovely Pam, we managed to unload the car, find the craft fair organiser & find out which "table" was ours.

So we set it up....

As best we could.....

Probably cramming a little too much in?

But it was better than having a half empty table

This is me

And me with Pam

And a close up of the stock

All labelled and priced up

with a smeary mirror (which of course we cleaned)

And this is what we sold:

Medium Stripy Jar
Black & White Ear Flaps Hat
1 set of Knitting Needles
Blue / Grey Beanie
Cream Beanie
Flower Brooch
Stitch Markers
Plastic Hook &
A Pink Jar with the fluffy top

So not a FANTASTIC day but I did make a small profit and more importantly we promoted the Crochet Classes a lot, and got a few people interested, plus I may get a booking to host a Crochet Party for a group of 10, 10 year old girls!!


  1. Jolly well done, you! I would actually say that was a pretty successful day, given the current economic climate - I've had one or two all day craft fairs where I've only sold one pair of £9.50 earrings! Now THAT'S disheartening!!

  2. Thank you Mrs Jones, that's great feedback to have as I know you do or have done quite a few craft fairs. It does seem very down heartening when one puts so much effort into making things with love. I am now looking for one to do next Sunday - any tips on where I will find one? Ali x

  3. Wow your stall looks fantastic. You have some really beautiful stuff!

  4. Thanks Susan and thanks for the email too - very informative - I will reply later today. Hope you have a great Sunday & Happy Crocheting! Ali x

  5. Have you tried looking at Merton Abbey Mills in Wimbledon? They have weekend craft fairs where the pitch is free for the trader if they make their own stuff. I've not done it as it's a little far for me but I think it's probably closer to you -


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!