Friday 16 December 2011

A little bit of this & a little bit of that....

Firstly I would like to say "Hello", "Ciao", "Hiya", "Bonjour", "Hola", "Bok", "God dag",  "Salaam Alekum," "Guten Tag" & Merhba or Bongu to my home country of Malta! I love to watch the flags popping up on the various gadgets that I have added to my blog and it's fascinating to see where all  you fellow crocheters (hookers) come from!

Next is a picture that I got from one of my pupils today via Email.

If you remember from THIS POST VM and I started this scarf off in one of our lessons, and together we invented the frilly edging.  I made mine in a soft lime colour and they are made from Cotton Tape so ideal with people who don't like the feel of wool are are indeed allergic to it, as her daughter is.  I am sure her daughter will be thrilled with this unique scarf that's turned out so well!

Last but not least is my bed spread.  There have been many posts about the squares that went into the making, however here it is in all it's "winter" glory.  I say "winter" because it's so heavy and warming that in the summer it lives on the banister in the hallway.

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