Monday 17 May 2010

Cycle Ride to the smallholdings

We cycled to the smallholdings today, to buy some Geraniums.   The last time I went to get some, Mr Lunn, the proprietor, wouldn't sell me any "because of the frosts!" so now that I think we are safe, I said to Ian "lets take a ride up there and see what he says this time!"
 So off we went on our trusty bikes, me with the trailer attached to the rear in case we were in luck.
And as you can see - we were!  We bought 18 Scarlett Geraniums in pots at a pound each, a tray of Marigolds for my tomato plants as companion plants (they keep something away but I can't remember what but it worked last year whatever it was so I am doing it again)  I also bought 6 Cauliflower plants at 10p each because mine attempts at growing any kind of brassica's didn't work this year for some reason!

As you can see the trailer was full up and so colourful too!

 Ian is charging off down the lane in front of me.  The small holdings are a lovely place to cycle.  It's a pity that one particular smallholder has grown so big, he's monopolised the area, and these little ones tucked around the back hardly get a look in anymore! Shame.


  1. Sounds like a cool place to visit where is it actually, maybe I could check it out when I visit relatives in your neck of the woods.

    And how cool is the guy who won't sell his stock because of bad weather, just shows how much he cares for his plants, I would buy from someone like that again and again.

  2. Hi Kella, there is a super duper nursery called Woodcote Green which used to be exactly like this one 20 years ago. WG has now taken over the area and these little ones are fast disappearing. There are 2 other smaller ones on the same road as WG - flittons & Melbourne, but the one I use is Mr Lunns which is behind Melbourne. If you open the OS maps and put in reference TQ285615 he is on the cross roads of the track where the green dots are on this link
    Let me know when you come down - would be good to meet you!
    p.s. Mr Lunn (where I go ) is the man who wouldn't sell me his stock - he's a good man.

  3. I usually visit family in the Merton Park area but my younger cousin recently bought a house in the Carshalton area so I know we will be visiting him during the summer to check the place out.

    I'll be sure to let you know so hopefully we could meet and you can then show me your plot.

  4. Kella, I am in Carshalton on the Hill and I would be honoured if you came to see my plots! x

  5. I used to live in the area many moons agao when I lived in the nursing hostel during my RN training at the 'White Elephant' St Heliers hosp.

  6. Oh! we are right on the site of the Old Queen Marys Hospital - used to be a childrens hospital many years ago so not far from St. Heliers! Small world.:0)

  7. I know your area well I did my paedatric stint and my learning disabilty stint there along with other aspects of our training.

    Took many a trip on the 154 to and from school via you way and one of my girlfriends lived in the hostel that was there back then.

    It has been like forever since I was up that way, it must have all changed now?


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