Sunday 9 May 2010

132 Squares & other things.....

Another one.....

And another....

And another.....

Some of them already in the blanket.....

And some added last week....

And this is all 132 squares
(I had to stand on the sofa to get them all in!)

In the week we went for a little "adventure" drive and ended up at Fanny's Farm Shop just outside Reigate.
Well I am so glad we stopped.  It was a hodge podge of a place, but charming and delightful at the same time.
Every corner you turned held a different thing to excite you like 100% peanut butter, home made and apparently renowned for it's marmalade, then there were the cakes, fresh home grown produce, biscuits etc. in every nook and cranny.  Lots to see and take in, and my shopping basket was getting fuller by the minute.

You could sit outside and drink tea & eat scones in the lovely gardens.  There is also a treehouse there where you can take cream teas (see their website)

Or you could go and visit the pot bellied pigs and the hens and cocks

Well worth a visit if you are in the area.


  1. That looks lovely. I have family in Binfield. Geography of "the south" is not great. But they either used to live near reigate or do now. Sorry for the ignorance. The blanket is super, well done.

  2. Some how I missed this post, when is the blanket going to end, It looks like it is in danger of swallowing the house ;)

    What a charming place to visit, thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Ali, the blanket is fabulous how big is it going to be ???? Kella's comment is so funny !
    We have been to Fanny's Farm Shop years ago when Austin's niece lived in Hailsham or was it Horsham ?? they lived in both areas, anyway enough of the rambling We did go and I had forgotten how great it was, so thanks for the reminder.
    You have mastered some of the very hard crochet blocks, you are so clever, I'm scared to try those yet !! bye the way I see that you aren't getting my updates on the craft blog, check if you have the right link as I did change it and the title a while back. I switched the crafts and recipes around in the title. M x

  4. Louise - It's worth a visit when you are next up this way.

    Kella - Yes it could indeed swallow up the house soon - seriously though, I am making it to fit across our kingsize bed and would like it to drape over the sides with reasonalble ease!

    Mo - thanks - see above - its gonna be big! I have updated your link now so thanks for that - I wondered what had gone wrong!!


  5. Blanket looks great! I ran out of wool as mine reached 7x9 squares and am edging it at the moment. One full row of DC then thought i would try a slightly scalloped edge by doing 1dc 1htr 3tr in same space 1htr 1 dc and repeat until the end. Looks good so far so will upload a pic to my blog when it is all finished.

  6. Lindlyloodles that boarder sounds great and can't wait to see the picture x


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